The film features an all-star ensemble cast including Academy Award nominee Rosamund Pike (Gone Girl), Academy Award nominee Nick Nolte (Warrior, The Prince of Tides), Shiloh Fernandez (Evil Dead), Camryn Manheim (“The Practice”) and Rumer Willis (Sorority Row, “Dancing with the Stars”).
RETURN TO SENDER was directed by Fouad Mikati and co-written by Patricia Beauchamp and Joe Gossett.
In this intense psychological thriller, Rosamund Pike stars as Miranda, a small town nurse who gets attacked during a home invasion by a mysterious stranger (Shiloh Fernandez). Following his arrest, Miranda starts to regularly visit him in jail and build a relationship with her attacker. But everything may not be as it appears..
Produced by Holly Wiersma (Dallas Buyers Club) and Candice Abela and executive produced by Joe Gossett, J.C. Khoury and Logan Levy.