The film’s story involves a film production crew. They are shooting a new, no-budget horror film, when attacked in the woods. They are forced to band together, to fight these creatures. But, they are woefully underprepared for this menace. Now, this shoot is way over budget!
This is director Jason Horton’s true vision of the film. He says of this final edit: “it'll never be 100% the movie I set out to make, but this is the closest to that we'll ever see.” Indie horror fans will be able to see his authentic version on October 4th. View it on Amazon Prime, for the Halloween season!
Release Date: October 4th (Amazon Instant) and 2017 (DVD, Blu-ray).
Director/writer: Jason Horton.
Cast: Glenn Plummer, Lee Perkins, Curt Mega and Linda Bella.
Official Synopsis: A low-budget film crew treks deep into the wilderness to shoot horror sequences for their unsellable indie-drama. They soon find themselves in the midst of their own horror show as they are hunted down real monsters.
A new trailer for the film:
A Director's Cut: Monsters in the Woods fan page: