He was silent for a few years working as a production associate on a few films. Then in 1977 he produced a TV horror movie called Spectre. Finally in 1980 he directed and co-wrote his first horror film called The Unseen. Code Red released this film on DVD in 2008 which like many Code Reds went Out Of Print. Luckily Scorpion Releasing grabbed the rights and released a Blu-ray and DVD in 2013. Danny was very unhappy with the final cut of this film and even had his name removed. Next in 1984 Danny directed a exploitation revenge film staring Linda Blair titled Savage Streets. This is one that I have always wanted to see, but has always eluded me so I may have to grab the two disc put out by Scorpion. Danny Steinmanns final genre film was a Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (1985) which could be considered a lucky to get the opportunity to direct a film in such a big and popular franchise. Unfortunately the film had a troubled production and a lot of fans pushed back. Friday Part Five is probably the most hated film in the series by the fans.This can mainly be contributed by its ending which people felt ripped off by and deservedly so. Personally I can look past the bad ending and really enjoy Friday Part five .I feel like it is the sleaziest in the series and has some of the best characters. I wish Friday 5 would have been more successful with fans and critics or maybe that the film would have had a better production. I feel like these things may have contributed why Danny did not continue his film career. There was a rumor that he was in charge of directing a sequel to Last House on the Left but that fell through and never saw the light of day.
He was featured in both documentaries on the Friday The 13th films.
His Name Was Jason: 30 Years of Friday the 13th and Crystal Lake Memories: The Complete History of Friday the 13th
In December of 2012 Danny died at the age of 70. Although he did not direct a lot of genre films he did direct one of my favorite sequels in my FAVORITE franchise.